Partnerships offer faculty, classified and management staff the opportunity to share ideas on classroom teaching (above contractual obligation) and the work environment, and to improve skills, enhance knowledge, explore issues, and increase collegiality.
Partnerships require a two-step process. The first step establishes the partnership and informs the Professional Development Office of its existence. That first step helps track the payouts from the Partnership Fund, as well. The second step tracks the partnership throughout its duration. This step provides an accounting to the Professional Development Office and to the Chancellor’s Office for the Flex hours or stipend.
Please work with your department secretary, if needed, to submit your Partnership through AdobeSign. Please Cc Magian Smith and Jason Trento on the signature routing process if submitting through AdobeSign.
Step 1 - Forming the Partnership
To submit your Step 1 - Forming the Partnership electronically, CLICK HERE
(You will receive an electronic copy of your submission)
For a fill-able PDF version that you can print out and submit, CLICK HERE
Step 2 - Tracking the Partnership
To submit your Step 2 - Tracking the Partnership electronically, (LINK COMING SOON)
(You will receive an electronic copy of your submission)
For a fill-able PDF version that you can print out and submit, CLICK HERE